Glass clamps for shower enclosures

There are different types and brands of glass clamps for shower walls, each with specific characteristics or finishes. This page provides a complete overview of all the glass clamps that can be used for shower and bath walls. We have also divided them into two different mounting methods.

You can mount a glass panel to the wall or floor of your bathroom; we call that a wall-glass clamp. If you use a clamp to connect two glass panels together, we call it a glass-glass clamp.


These clamps are specifically designed for mounting tempered glass shower walls in the bathroom or shower. They are not intended for other purposes. Please do not use them for the installation of balustrades, windshields, or partition walls.

These clamps require holes or cutouts in the glass. Without hole boring or cutouts, you cannot install these clamps. Therefore, when using these clamps, always choose safety glass "installation glass" as the type of glass.